Robert Süess

‘ Art  from passion ‘

The art of living as a balance between the must and the muse.

In my life and my artistic activities, I am primarily concerned with the exploration and liberation of my inner world. I express this in my work through dynamic, moving forms and mood-dependent, often intense colours, materials and typographic elements.

I offer you a diverse and colorful world of images.

Embark on a journey of discovery and immerse yourself in the complexity of my paintings. My paintings are landscapes of the soul. They show my fascination with the creative realisation of the hidden and the joy of discovery. On this website you will find a selection of my works. You can find a further selection of pictures via my gallery contacts and exhibition presence or directly in my studio gallery.

Workshops in recognised art academies in German-speaking Europe or courses in small groups (max. 4-5 participants) – exclusively in my studio at the SüessART Academy in Switzerland – are in great demand. I will accompany you professionally into your own creative world.

My current book

Art knows no borders

»A tendency towards sensual pleasure seems to be omnipresent in the painting of Robert Süess, even more, a feeling of heightening and fullness, i.e. of orgasmic urge and exuberance.«

(Günter Bucher)

Buch 'Impressionen' Robert Süess

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