Robert Süess

‘ Art  from passion ‘

The art of living as a balance between the must and the muse.

In my lifetime and my artistic activities, I am primarily concerned with the exploration and liberation of my inner world. I express this with my work through dynamic, moving form play and mood-dependent, often intense colors and materials.

Artists and gallerists joined forces!

The solo exhibition at the Geissbühler Gallery in Zofingen to mark the 40th anniversary came to a successful close on December 20, 2024. We would like to thank all visitors interested in art.

Studio and gallery visits are still possible. Please contact us to arrange an appointment and come by. We look forward to meeting you.

Unlimited engagement with Creativity

When you love something, you just do it. And for this I use not only brushes and paints, but all kinds of tools and materials that I consider suitable to ‘paint’ – or rather – create a picture. Because even purely in terms of craftsmanship, there is always something new to discover in this regard. And if you are interested in working creatively together, check out my workshop offerings. You can find the current PDF course program for download here.

I will be happy to take you on this journey of discovery into my personal world of art.

I offer you a diverse and colorful world of images.

I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery. Immerse yourself in the complexity in my pictures to thereby open up the landscape of the soul as in a mirror.

My pictures are landscapes of the soul. They show my fascination with the creative expression of the hidden and the desire to discover. In this website you will find a selection of my works. Through my gallery contacts and exhibition presence or directly in my studio gallery you will find another selection of images.

And with my proven courses and interesting online offers, I professionally accompany you into your own creative world.

Professional workshops in recognized art academies in German-speaking Europe, individual private courses or the courses in small groups (max. 4-5 participants) – exclusively in my studio at the SüessART Academy in Switzerland – are in great demand.

In addition to the proven courses, I also offer interesting online options that can contribute to effective creative guidance.

My current book

Art knows no borders

»A tendency towards sensual pleasure seems to be omnipresent in the painting of Robert Süess, even more, a feeling of heightening and fullness, i.e. of orgasmic urge and exuberance.«

(Günter Bucher)

Buch 'Impressionen' Robert Süess

What can I  do for you ?

I am looking forward to your inquiry


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